Cloud-based accounting software vs desktop accounting software - What's better?

August 30, 2021


Accounting software is an essential asset for any business owner or manager. It helps simplify bookkeeping and financial management operations, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best. However, choosing the right accounting software can be a daunting task. This post aims to compare and contrast cloud-based and desktop accounting software to help businesses make an informed choice.

Cloud-based Accounting Software vs. Desktop Accounting Software


One of the biggest differences between cloud-based and desktop accounting software is accessibility. Cloud-based accounting software can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, while desktop software is limited to a single computer or network. Cloud-based software is ideal for companies with employees in multiple locations, as everyone can access the software simultaneously.


Pricing is another critical consideration when choosing accounting software. Typically, cloud-based software usually operates on a subscription basis, with users paying a monthly or annual fee. Desktop software is typically a one-time purchase, and updates are rarely included after the initial purchase.


When it comes to security, cloud-based is the clear winner. Cloud-based providers typically secure cloud servers with state-of-the-art encryption, backups, and web-based security measures. Desktop users are responsible for their security measures, such as anti-virus protection and firewalls, leaving them more vulnerable to security breaches.


The functionality of cloud-based and desktop software varies significantly. Desktop software provides users with more features and customization options but lacks flexibility and collaboration abilities. Cloud-based software is usually more streamlined, offering a user-friendly interface, intuitive design, and easy-to-use features.


Choosing accounting software depends on individual business needs. Desktop software provides more customization and features, while cloud-based software provides flexibility and accessibility. Although, cloud-based software has a clear advantage when it comes to security, and the pricing model fits better with companies looking to avoid drastic upfront expenses. At the end of the day, it's all about what works best for each business.

Regardless of what route, you choose, Flare Compare can help you make a more informed decision by comparing options in our directories. After all, it's our mission to help businesses Flare Compare and save.


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